Before &
After photos
- Real Photos of Renewme procedures
Before and after photo(s)on the website represent outcomes of individual patients. As each patient is different, the results may vary by individual. Content is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered medical advice.
Paket Perawatan Bekas Jerawat |
Umur: Awal 20-an
Jenis Kelamin: Pria
Prosedur: Laser Fraksional, INNOfill, Laser Excel V, Injeksi Hydrolifting PRP
Cabang: Jamsil (Dr. Ha Ji Hyun)
Jenis Kelamin: Pria
Prosedur: Laser Fraksional, INNOfill, Laser Excel V, Injeksi Hydrolifting PRP
Cabang: Jamsil (Dr. Ha Ji Hyun)